Planting for Aginjibagwesi

Boozhoo! Hello to all. It’s the beginning of niibin (summer), and the gardens in our yard are looking wonderful. As summer proceeds, I’ll be cutting down on my posts here to once or twice a month. I’ll also be cutting down on the length of my posts. Keeping it simple, since my family and I […]

Ode’imini-giizis: Let’s Speak our Heart

This year, my family and I planted a strawberry field. It will be our first year gardening ode’iminan. The roots have to take in the first year. Even though we have had over a hundred flowers already, we have had to clip them. The roots need to establish. It gets me to thinking about cultural […]

Ojibwe Moons and Sugar Camp

The above picture was taken during Binaakwe-giizis (Falling Leaves Moon) next to an old aninaatig (maple tree) where my son and I spend a lot of time year round. It has become a special place for us to return throughout the cycles of the year. As a lover of science and nature, I’m a fan […]

Anishinaabe Values and Sustainability

The Ojibwe language and culture is one of the many indigenous cultures that I view as being a storehouse of wisdom leading towards a more sustainable future. The earth-centered values and values of humility inherent in Ojibwe language and culture are like a treasure box waiting to be opened. The language of Anishinaabe people encompasses […]

Earth-based Wisdom Cultures

Nature Art Exploration works to highlight beautiful things happening across cultures bringing healing and balance to the world as we know it. It operates under the philosophy that the earth-based wisdom diverse groups of people bring to the whole is indispensable. Throughout my life, I have been drawn to indigenous cultures across the world. I […]