Nature Art Exploration

Explore. Create. Discover. Reconnecting through explorations in nature, art, and culture!

Making Sumac-ade: ID, Harvest, and Prep

At home, I love being surrounded by my favorite plants that remind me of my childhood. I’ll always remember walking down my family’s dirt road with a bucket for picking blueberries and raspberries making my way to some of the choice berry picking places of my youth. Along the way, two plants stick out in […]

Planting for Aginjibagwesi

Boozhoo! Hello to all. It’s the beginning of niibin (summer), and the gardens in our yard are looking wonderful. As summer proceeds, I’ll be cutting down on my posts here to once or twice a month. I’ll also be cutting down on the length of my posts. Keeping it simple, since my family and I […]

Ode’imini-giizis: Let’s Speak our Heart

This year, my family and I planted a strawberry field. It will be our first year gardening ode’iminan. The roots have to take in the first year. Even though we have had over a hundred flowers already, we have had to clip them. The roots need to establish. It gets me to thinking about cultural […]

Saving the Bees: Today and Everyday

Happy World Bee Day! This past December, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 20th to be World Bee Day. Just like Earth Day, though, I don’t see why we don’t just declare it to be World Bee Day every day. As pollinators, bees can be thanked for 1/3 of our world’s crop production. Foods […]

Nature Photography: Connecting to Earth

I’m a busy mom. As much as I would like to devote more time to art, the whole set-up and take-down process of getting a project rolling, sometimes, exceeds the amount of time that I have to devote to getting artsy. That’s OK. I get creative throughout the day by all means possible especially with […]

Hunting Morels: The Search, ID, and Harvest

Morel Mushroom season is just around the corner in Minnesota, and shroomers across the state are getting excited! My family is fairly new to the hunt, so I’m definitely not an expert on finding them. Still, I want to share some on the Morel Mushroom from what I’ve learned over the past few years. Nature […]

Foraging Fiddleheads: ID, Harvest, and Prep

It’s fun to have your own family, foraging traditions. Every year, my family and I have a special place by the river where we go spring foraging. Our favorite wild edibles along the riverbank are the fiddleheads of Ostrich Fern, Matteucia struthiopteris. We head out to the river right around the time the leaves start […]

Supporting Young Plant Enthusiasts: Part 2

Hello! I hope you had the chance to join Nature Art Exploration a few days ago for Supporting a Young Plant Enthusiast: Part 1. If you haven’t, check it out! I hope you all enjoyed your FREE BOOK from Herb Fairies. There’s still time to download it if you haven’t had a chance. Today, marks […]

Supporting Young Plant Enthusiasts: Part 1

The above Calendula photo was taken by my 7-year-old son last year. Nature photography is a shared bliss on all of our adventures. The love for foraging, wildcrafting, and herbal gardening is first nature for my son. Since he was young, he’s been following his father and me on endless adventures of harvesting wild foods, […]

Exploring Wild Leek: ID, Harvest, and Prep

It’s April, and my family and I are getting excited for spring foraging. Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing this excitement with posts focused on foraging and wildcrafting. We’ll discuss a few plants that are easy to recognize, positively identify, and harvest sustainably. There will also be some fun, educational ways to get […]